Sunday, March 9, 2008

Google Analytics on Blogger

Well, I looked around for a way to add stats to my blogs, and it turns out that there isn't one built into blogger. So you have to use a third party tool. I decided to use Google Analytics to both this blog and my science fiction blog. That way I can see if my sites are being visited. So if you are reading this... Big Brother is Watching.

Using Google Analytics is easy and takes about 5-10 minutes to do:
  1. Go to and sign up.
  2. Put in your blog url and click continue
  3. Add in your contact information (everything but country is optional). Then agree to the terms.
  4. Choose the "Legacy Tracking Code" or the "New Tracking Code."

    The "New Tracking Code" gives you access to new features that become available. You should probably decide on picking one or the other here, I don't really see any drawback to the new code, so I chose that one.
  5. Add the javascript code to your blog.

    If you're using Blogger, go to your Layout > Page Elements, and add a page element. Choose a HTML/javascript element.

    Paste your Google Analytics javascript code into the content box. You can leave the title blank. Save the changes, and you're done! You've added Google Analytics to your site.

    Don't add the code in more than one spot, as that will screw up your stats.

You can add Google Analytics to more than one site, so it's pretty useful, if you have more than one blog/site like me.

1 comment:

meghs said...

hey nice is amazing and there's a whole lot you can do with it..keep posting..